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We are a multi-national company doing business in North America, South East Asia, the Middle East and Western Europe with plans for further international expansion into South America.


As an established and proven Direct Selling Company, we use proprietary and state-of-the-art software giving us leading edge in e-commerce technology.  This proven infrastructure is the backbone that supports all of our international operations.


With millions of people who do not like or cannot swallow pills, tablets or capsules- there is a huge market demand waiting or the T.E.N. Oral Sprays!  The T.E.N. Sprays are more convenient, easier to use, taste great, have a more effective delivery system and are just SIMPLY COOL!!


TEAM EFFORT NETWORK (T.E.N.) has a mission and vision of changing how the world takes nutritional supplements.  The Company and it's revolutionary line of products are part of a paradigm shift in one of the fastest growing industries on the planet.


We are committed to helping people find an alternative way to achieving their Health and Wellness goals. 


Mel and Amie Gill, Founders

Mel and Amie Gill entered the Direct Selling Industry in 1989, when the industry had not yet hit critical mass. At that time, they were a newly-married young couple going to college and deciding on their career paths. Mel's family had a very successful restaurant business in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mel was managing one of the newest operations while he and Amie had a newborn who was only 3 months old at the time.

On a very momentous day in November 1989, they were introduced to the Direct Selling Industry. They saw the vision of what this industry could offer in terms of time freedom and decided to go full force. This led to unprecedented recognition in the industry at an early age. Their local business soon took them global, experiencing huge success with stellar business growth in Australia, Thailand, Japan, and Canada. Having their own lucrative international business in their early twenties was the springboard for further global success in Europe and Asia.

This ultimately became the foundation to what happened in October 2002 when they became owners of their own global Direct Selling company.

Mel and Amie just celebrated 21 years of full-time success in the Direct Sales Industry. Mel and Amie are passionate about this industry for what their accomplishments have created. Not just for themselves, but for so many people across the globe

Team Effort International

Founded in 2002, Team Effort International, LLC is a privately held, debt-free company with global offices in Northern California, USA.

The company name was carefully decided on to encompass the concept and vision of what the company would ultimately become.Team Effort International was founded by a team of entrepreneurs who were truly committed to making a difference. The company is led by the dynamic husband and wife team of Mel and Amie Gill.  The Gills are successful entrepreneurs with over 20 years of full-time experience in the network marketing industry they have a strong sense of business ownership as well as management


Intra Oral Sprays are a Faster Delivery System and have a 98% Absorption Rate which is 9 times more absorbable than pills.

Natural Oral Vitamin Sprays

Sprays By Ten, LLC nor any of it's employees, customers or business affiliates claim to be doctors. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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